SpotJob Privacy Policy
The SpotJob app collects the following information as needed for full functionality:
- User email address.
- User first and last name.
- User location only at the time of registration.
- User registration and work information.
- The unique ID generated by your phone or device.
The app does not collect the following information:
- The device phone number.
- Continuous location.
- Users phone calls, SMS or call information.
- Information on other apps or user data on the device.
This information is collected for the express purpose of providing the exchange of information and communication between users seeking services and users providing services.
All personal information gathered is for these sole purposes only and will not be sold, provided to or given access to third parties without the express permission of the user of the SpotJob app, which is not granted by the acceptance of the Terms and Conditions required for using the app.
The personal information collected will not be used in the following manner:
- It will not be sold or given to any third parties for any purpose other than as needed for the functionality of the app.
- It will not be used by SpotJob other than to provide communication by those seeking services with those providing services.
- It will not be used to send advertising or other materials other than those necessary and related to the functionality of the app.
SpotJob reserves the right to change or amend this privacy policy at any time.
SpotJob values our users privacy, concerns or questions related to this policy should be sent to